Saturday, November 3, 2007

High School Part 6

It's been a while since I've posted about school, but the complaints will keep coming! The teachers are still buttfaces, the school system still sux, and the stress is still there.

You know high school is owning you if you mean to take a 2 hour nap and sleep for 15 hours straight.

Yep, that's exactly what I did yesterday evening to this morning! Some of you may have been wondering why I wasn't on AIM for the normal 5 hours, well, that's your reason!


Anisha said...

Wow! I guess high school is owning me too. But I'm still okay...for now... (dun dun dun)

athelete518 said...

Hehehehe, nice. But yeah, I was really exhausted then...but then again, my next week is gonna be terrible. I'm gonna neglect all my studies and focus solely on All Region WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you should put a freerice banner on your blog!!!!!!!! go to and pick one out. :)