Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Teachers part 2

Have you ever had a teacher who was so bad, so out of it, so clueless, un-understanding, and so horrible you just had a hard time believing he/she is a teacher? I have a teacher that perfectly meets these requirements, and then some, and then some more....URRRRGGGGGG she is not suited to be a teacher! A person who speaks English like a 6 year old, who refuses to repeat herself if someone can't understand her (which is a shockingly easy thing to do), a person who tries to dictate (for real, its really bad) the class, who is so paranoid that if you do so much as turn your head in your seat then you will get a "wooorneeeeeng, or detanshuu, or friday skooo". I mean, at first it was funny; I'd never seen a teacher so incompetent. Then, one of the vice principals came to the class to observe us (I personally think the teacher set this up), and since then she's been strutting around with a: screw the rules, I'm a teacher, I can give whatever grade I want and give as many detentions as I feel like giving kind of attitude. Can someone spell problems? With her logic of: you appear to talk, you get a detanshuu, I could inversely say, you appear to act of out place and unfair, you get fired. Hmmmm I wonder how many thousands of times she would have been fired thus far? And then she's like: We neee to priiide eeen our Chneeez porgrum, eet eez gwooing veru queeeckleee. She's saying like she is a good teacher who is causing this massive increase in the number of people who want to take Chinese, like its her awesome teaching skillz that are motivating this success and growth of the "Chneeez porgrum". As for me, because I do have a large Chinese background, I'm doing fairly well in this class (gradewise, not behavior-wise) because I spend hours making sure I do whatever homework she says to do and what she never mentions (she grades both), but there are some not-Chinese people in the class, and she expects so much of them but she is cruel. The other day she was like: Youuuu shuuu noo theeez woh, theeez eeeees aiilamanntory laivl. How can some know it considering they just started learning the language!?!? And for some reason, I seem to think that there should be to some extent a mutual respect existing between teachers and students. For my class its like: we talk and "interrupt (the only one who seems to notice these interruptions is her)", then we get treated like inferiors. We DON'T talk and we behave well, we are still treated like inferiors. FYI to the teacher: If you demand respect then you have to lead by example, not reverse psychology! This teacher needs a reality check.
Oh man it felt good getting this out of my system.


Project Blog Tip: Vinco said...


athelete518 said...

I'm going to try less extreme approaches first. If at all possible I just want to make her realize why I don't agree with her on so many things she does.

Ptarmigan said...

Hey! I finnally have time to leave a comment here. This is You knowwho!

I feel for you! I had a teacher in Hua Hsing for math last year, and she was kinda... boring. Yeah. AND she spoke in the standard chinglish language.
I don't know what your Chinese teacher's really like, but even though she does act really annoying and stuff from what i've heard, and even if she is the most incompetant teacher on the face of the earth, when you are going to tell her about these problems, always keep in mind that she is your teacher. Also, she's probably from china or something, and you know how school is like there- the teachers demand more, everything is more respect-your-elders than we're used to in America. Yeah.
you could always pray for a miracle to happen to your chinese teacher :p

Anonymous said...

UGH i hate hurrr
sooo muchh
my brother was cracking his head off XD

Anonymous said...

omggshhhhhh, she's giving me a freaking referall for passing that stupid note around!!!
all it said was 'tom. everyone should sit back in their old seat PASS'

athelete518 said...

I know, what kind of friggin teacher gives a referral for that? Man I'm so glad the dean didn't get you in trouble. SHE'S SO UNFAIR!!!!!!!!

athelete518 said...

And like she keeps trying to make Chinese-American comparisons like Chneeze peeeepuhhh are moooeeee hhopen about them liiiive aand Amerrrcn peeeepuhh trrrii toooo take advahhntege of peeepuh eef they ahct sof. and I'm like, No, it's the opposite: my "American" friends are the less introverted, nerdy, open and last time I checked, its the stingy Asian people that try to take advantage of things, lol.

Anisha said...

Oh my gosh! You're chinese teacher sound hilarious. It would be fun to be in her class for like a day, then it'd get annoying. I feel sorry for you. :(
You should try doing something about her...or something...I don't know. I hate it when we get bum's no fun...

athelete518 said...

I'm thinking of pulling a Kiki on her, you know, get her fired. But I think the only reason she's still here is because Jasper doesn't have enough teachers for Chinese. hmmmm have they tried looking in the cafeteria? theres much more qualified and competent Chinese ppls there!

Anonymous said...

after class i mean?
god, she donst hear a bitch but she can hear that