Friday, August 31, 2007

A midget’s guide to life part 2

yay here’s the second installment to my A midget’s guide to life.
in the first post I mentioned the need to be tough, but I know that there are people in this world that aren’t like that. soooooo without further ado, here’s number two.
2. get on someone’s good side. there are kind people out there that would be terrible at being bold and rough, but are terribly nice and polite. and who can resist the allure of a sweet midget?
The most important thing is DON’T BE TIMID!!! there is a difference between nice and timid, and timid people get walked all over in mainstream society.

High School Life Part 3

I think I should clarify some things.
I am a freshman (FISH!! yes, yes i know) at a very competitive and Azn school. This is day 4, and I am so sleep deprived that I feel like I’m living in third person, nodding off every few minutes, and am humming band music for no reason (oh wait, I do that anyways).
I am in marching band and hopefully will make the basketball team, therefore my day starts at 5:40am. There has not been one day so far that I’ve slept before midnight, and i average about half of the recommended (and impossible to get) 8-9 hours of blessed rest. I am taking 3 honors classes and a course for college credit, along with band (ownage!), chinese, and athletics.

High School Life part 2

hello again, dedicated readers.
this is the second segment of my stories of woe.
i entitle this: You Know High School Is Owning You If….
1. On the third day of school, you work on homework for so long that you could only manage to get 3 hours of sleep.
2. You are a crazy Azn nerdy weirdo, but by day 3 of high school, you are absolutely ecstatic just to be passing.
3. You start saying stupid things to try to lift your morale like: yay I am officially through 1/60 of the school year!!
so far, this is all i could think of, but i will try to keep adding to this list. feel free to comment if you have ideas on the list or crazy experiences or whatever :D