THE SECOND WEEK HAS ENDED. YAY 1/18 THROUGH THE SCHOOLYEAR!!! It's a good thing that it was a 4 day week because if it lasted another day I would've fallen asleep in class. I mean, I was falling asleep like 20 times during breakfast by Wednesday! OMG, there was actually one day where I slept for a whole 6 hours!!!!!
And I thought of another way you know High School is owning you. Here goes.
You know high school is owning you if you draw and color Pokemon just to procrastinate doing homework.
woohoo. go pokemon.
i remember i used to play pokemon all the time at chinese school. i never really knew how to play but i liked having the cards. =)
dude i have 300+ cards still. and today I drew and colored Chikorita, Bayleef, and Meganium. WOOT GO POKEMON
Pokemon were really awesome back in the day. Everyone was obsessed with them. I have some still, but I gave them to my sister, since shes obsessed w/ it now.
really. i dont really wana give mine away. i have aotta memories with pokemon. i have ALOT of pokemon stuff. but my little cousin came before the summer break, and he took some. >.<
dudes I'm using one of my school folders solely for the purpose of keeping my pokemon drawings in them. heheheheeeeheheheheheheeheh
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